Dills Hill
New Zealand · Auckland
Paragliding site
Hanggliding site
The bottom landing is straigh out in front, in any one of several paddocks.
For hang glider retrieval vehicles the bottom landing is accessed through a farm on the Woodcocks - Kaipara flats Rd. Take the first turning on the left over the railway tracksand drive up the gravel road to the first gate on the right (approx 1.5km), drive through this gate which leads up to a brick house ownd by the Dill family. if no one is home continue past the double garage and veer slightly left across the paddock to a gate amongst the pine trees. Proceed through the gate down to the landing paddocks, closing gates behind you. Check at the farm house before you go through the property. Be aware that the farmer of this property and landing paddock has been from time to time very concerned about gates being left open allowing mixing of stock etc.
This site is located within TMA C with a flight ceiling of 4,500 ft ASL. Kaipara flats air field almost directly in front to the North East is a parachute drop zone with a 3 nautical mile no flying restriction. Both Kaipara flats and North Shore air fields need to be advised of your presence here prior to flying.
If you expect to go cross country heading in a south westerly i.e. anything on the southern side of Woodcock Rd linking through to Araparera remember the flight ceiling is 3,500 ft ASL.
Located West of Warkworth you reach the site by driving North along State Highway 1 to Warkworth. As you enter the township of Warkworth take the first turn left (Woodcocks Rd) and follow this road for 10km to a railway crossing. Continue up the hill for about 1.5km until you reach the top at a sharp right hand bend with a pull over area and gate to a pine forest on the left. On the right there is a clay dry weather only track leading to the takeoff. Go through 2 more gates up to the trig and then you are in the launch area.
* The status is an indication giving by pilots using the Parawait app. Do not rely solely on these - always check the conditions!